Archive for avoiding polypharmacy

10 Tips for Prevention of Polypharmacy!

Posted in Prevention with tags on October 14, 2008 by pharmfour

Polypharmacy is characterized by drug duplication, interaction, or both. The good news is, you can prevent it yourself with a little education and preparation. Here are some simple tips for avoiding polypharmacy:

1.      Always read labels. They may tip you off to possible drug interactions

2.      Use only one pharmacy to fill prescriptions

3.      Learn your medications by name and what they are for

4.      Make a list of all your medications including pill strength and dose, as well as herbal products, vitamins, supplements, and over-the-counter drugs. Update it after every doctor visit

5.      Carry your medications list everywhere. Bring it every doctor visit, along with the pill bottles

6.      If you have more than one doctor, make sure each one knows what the other is prescribing

7.      Ask your primary caregiver or pharmacist to run your medication list through a drug interactions database to identify possible problems, especially if you’re on five or more drugs

8.      Avoid combination products such as cold formulas. Ask your pharmacist to help you find a product just for the symptoms you’re experiencing – not for every possible symptom

9.      Never take a new drug without asking your pharmacist about its side effects and interactions with other drugs

10.    Get familiar with your medications. Learn about them from your physician or pharmacist, or learn to use a Physician’s Desk Reference, available in your local library. Books about prescription drugs are also available at your local bookstore. Don’t trust the internet; much of the information available on-line is from questionable sources
